
CMAP Theses are available by following this link:
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Listed below, are sorted by year, the publications appearing in the HAL open archive.
Infinitely many-armed bandits
- Wang Yizao
- Audibert Jean-Yves
- Munos Rémi
From Individual Stochastic Processes to Macroscopic Models in Adaptive Evolution
- Champagnat Nicolas
- Ferrière Régis
- Méléard Sylvie
DOI : 10.1080/15326340802437710 -
Adaptive Importance Sampling in General Mixture Classes
- Cappé Olivier
- Douc Randal
- Guillin Arnaud
- Marin Jean-Michel
- Robert Christian P.
DOI : 10.1007/s11222-008-9059-x -
Fluid-Structure Interaction and multi-body contact. Application to the aortic valves
- Astorino Matteo
- Gerbeau Jean-Frédéric
- Pantz Olivier
- Traore Karim-Frédéric
Analyse théorique et numérique du modèle de Webster Lokshin
- Haddar Houssem
- Matignon Denis
Minimum stress optimal design with the level set method
- Allaire Grégoire
- Jouve François
Discounted and finitely repeated minority games with public signals
- Scarsini Marco
- Scarlatti Sergio
- Renault Jérôme
DOI : 10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2007.12.004 -
High-order angles in almost-Riemannian geometry
- Boscain Ugo
- Sigalotti Mario
Implicit time discretization of the mean curvature flow with a discontinuous forcing term.
- Chambolle Antonin
- Novaga Matteo
Generalized Fast Marching Method: Applications to Image Segmentation
- Forcadel Nicolas
- Le Guyader Carole
- Gout Christian
DOI : 10.1007/s11075-008-9183-x -
Particle filter-based policy gradient for pomdps
- Coquelin Pierre-Arnaud
- Deguest Romain
- Munos Rémi
On the existence of transmission eigenvalues in an inhomogeneous medium
- Cakoni Fioralba
- Haddar Houssem
Numerical Linear Algebra
- Allaire Grégoire
- Kaber Sidi-Mahmoud