


The Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP) is an applied mathematics research laboratory, under the primary supervision of the Ecole Polytechnique and the CNRS, and the secondary supervision of INRIA, which conducts theoretical and numerical research on mathematics in interaction with other sciences (biology, economics, computer science, mechanics, physics, etc.) or in connection with industrial or societal applications. Specialties include partial differential equation analysis, modeling, scientific computing, control, optimization, inverse problems, probability, signal and data processing, artificial intelligence and statistics.

CMAP is structured into 11 research teams, including 6 EPC or joint INRIA/CNRS/X project teams, grouped into 3 thematic clusters. All CMAP teams share the same scientific approach, which leads them to address issues of modeling (often interdisciplinary), mathematical and numerical analysis, optimization, control or assimilation, and finally the development of algorithms and numerical simulation software. The list of teams and clusters is given below (with the names of team leaders in brackets).

Analysis Unit:

EDP pour la physique (Anne de Bouard)

Mécanique, Matériaux, Optimisation de Formes (Grégoire Allaire)

HPC@Maths (Loïc Gouarin, Marc Massot)

EPC-INRIA PLATON : quantification des incertitudes en calcul scientifique (Pietro Congedo)


Probability Unit

Mathématiques Financières (Nizar Touzi)

Population, systèmes particules en interaction (Sylvie Méléard)

EPC-INRIA ASCII : interactions stochastiques coopératives (Carl Graham)

EPC-INRIA MERGE : évolution, reproduction, croissance et émergence (Marie Doumic)


Decision and Data Unit:

Statistiques, apprentissage, simulation, image (Emmanuel Gobet, Erwan Le Pennec)

EPC RandOpt : optimisation aléatoire (Anne Auger)

EPC Tropical : algèbre max-plus, recherche opérationnelle (Stéphane Gaubert)