
In addition to its structuring into research divisions and teams, the Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP) is organized as follows for research support and governance. An administrative team, headed by an administrative manager, is responsible for the laboratory's administrative and financial management. She manages budgets (grants, contracts), orders, missions, badges and offices. She also contributes to CMAP's activities, in particular by helping to organize various events. She is the contact person for the supervisory bodies and works closely with the administrative team of the Applied Mathematics Department. CMAP also has an engineer in charge of developing partnerships, drawing up contracts and monitoring the laboratory's financial situation. An IT team is in charge of CMAP's IT equipment (computers, file servers, networks, printers, software), whether in terms of ordering, maintenance or user support.
The governance of the Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP) consists first and foremost of a director and a deputy director. Together with the two heads of each thematic pole, they form a steering committee that enables more collective reflection before decisions are taken, and relays important information more effectively to the teams. A 19-member Laboratory Council meets regularly to discuss all matters concerning CMAP. CMAP management works in close collaboration with the Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics, particularly as regards scientific policy and recruitment. Last but not least, CMAP has a number of commissions which provide a forum for reflection and make proposals on specific topics.