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Listed below, are sorted by year, the publications appearing in the HAL open archive.
Small obstacle asymptotics for a 2D semi-linear convex problem
- Chesnel Lucas
- Claeys Xavier
- Nazarov Sergei A
DOI : 10.1080/00036811.2017.1295449 -
Direct Numerical Simulation of bubbles with Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Distributed Algorithms
- Talpaert Arthur
Ion transport through deformable porous media:derivation of the macroscopic equations using upscaling
- Allaire Grégoire
- Bernard Olivier
- Dufrêche Jean-François
- Mikelic Andro
DOI : 10.1007/s40314-016-0321-0 -
Une approche tropicale de la programmation bi-niveau
- Akian Marianne
- Bouhtou Mustapha
- Eytard Jean Bernard
- Gaubert Stephane
Integrals of spherical harmonics with Fourier exponents in multidimensions
- Goncharov F O
Robust domain decomposition methods in industrial context applied to large business cases
- Parret-Fréaud Augustin
- Rey Christian
- Feyel Frédéric
- Bovet Christophe
- Gosselet Pierre
- Marchand Basile
- Spillane Nicole
MCMC design-based non-parametric regression for rare-event. Application to nested risk computations
- Fort Gersende
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Moulines Éric
Simulation of reactive polydisperse sprays strongly coupled to unsteady flows in solid rocket motors: Efficient strategy using Eulerian Multi-Fluid methods
- Sibra Alaric
- Dupays Joel
- Murrone Angelo
- Laurent Frédérique
- Massot Marc
DOI : 10.1016/ -
Online EM for Functional Data
- Maire Florian
- Moulines Éric
- Lefebvre Sidonie
DOI : 10.1016/j.csda.2017.01.006 -
Checking the strict positivity of Kraus maps is NP-hard
- Gaubert Stéphane
- Qu Zheng
DOI : 10.1016/j.ipl.2016.09.008 -
Polarization domain walls in optical fibres as topological bits for data transmission
- Garnier Josselin
- Gilles M.
- Bony P.-Y.
- Picozzi A.
- Guasoni M.
- Fatome J.
DOI : 10.1038/nphoton.2016.262 -
A Positive and Entropy-Satisfying Finite Volume Scheme for the Baer-Nunziato Model
- Coquel Frédéric
- Hérard Jean-Marc
- Saleh Khaled
DOI : 10.1016/ -
From Hard Sphere Dynamics to the Stokes–Fourier Equations: An Analysis of the Boltzmann–Grad Limit
- Bodineau Thierry
- Gallagher Isabelle
- Saint-Raymond Laure
DOI : 10.1007/s40818-016-0018-0 -
Methods and algorithms to learn spatio-temporal changes from longitudinal manifold-valued observations
- Schiratti Jean-Baptiste
Volumetric expressions of the shape gradient of the compliance in structural shape optimization
- Giacomini Matteo
- Pantz Olivier
- Trabelsi Karim
Acceleration of saddle-point methods in smooth cases
- Tan Pauline
Quality Gain Analysis of the Weighted Recombination Evolution Strategy on General Convex Quadratic Functions
- Akimoto Youhei
- Auger Anne
- Hansen Nikolaus
DOI : 10.1145/3040718.3040720 -
Linearly Convergent Evolution Strategies via Augmented Lagrangian Constraint Handling
- Atamna Asma
- Auger Anne
- Hansen Nikolaus
DOI : 10.1145/3040718.3040732 -
Direct and inverse solvers for scattering problems from locally perturbed infinite periodic layers
- Nguyen Thi Phong
Unbiased simulation of stochastic differential equations *
- Henry-Labordère Pierre
- Tan Xiaolu
- Touzi Nizar
Branching diffusion representation of semilinear PDEs and Monte Carlo approximation *
- Henry-Labordère Pierre
- Oudjane Nadia
- Tan Xiaolu
- Touzi Nizar
- Warin Xavier
Analyse des liens entre un modèle d'endommagement et un modèle de fracture
- Azem Leila
Some discussions on the Read Paper "Beyond subjective and objective in statistics" by A. Gelman and C. Hennig
- Robert Christian
- Celeux Gilles
- Jewson Jack
- Josse Julie
- Marin Jean-Michel
- Robert Christian P.
Pliability, or the whitney extension theorem for curves in carnot groups
- Juillet Nicolas
- Sigalotti Mario
DOI : 10.2140/apde.2017.10.1637 -
Relative controllability of linear difference equations
- Mazanti Guilherme
DOI : 10.1137/16M1073157