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Listed below, are sorted by year, the publications appearing in the HAL open archive.
A spectral dominance approach to large random matrices: part II
- Bertucci Charles
- Lasry Jean-Michel
- Lions Pierre-Louis
DOI : 10.1016/j.matpur.2024.103630 -
Corporate probability of default under an energy transition scenario with business model adaptation to the transition
- Ndiaye Elisa
- Bezat Antoine
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Guivarch Céline
- Jiao Ying
Tropical polynomial systems and game theory
- Béreau Antoine
Gaskets of $O(2)$ loop-decorated random planar maps
- Kammerer Emmanuel
Evolutionary outcomes arising from bistability in ecosystem dynamics
- Boucenna Sirine
- Dakos Vasilis
- Raoul Gael
DOI : 10.32942/X2532Z -
Robust Reinforcement Learning : Theory and Practice
- Clavier Pierre
ICI Project: Individual-based epidemic propagation simulator based on a Digital Twin
- Colomb Maxime
- Cormier Quentin
- Garnier Josselin
- Graham Carl
- Perret Julien
- Talay Denis
Ensemble Data Assimilation for Particle-based Methods
- Duvillard Marius
- Giraldi Loïc
- Le Maitre Olivier
Preconditioners based on Voronoi quantizers of random variable coefficients for stochastic elliptic partial differential equations
- Venkovic Nicolas
- Mycek Paul
- Maître Olivier Le
- Giraud Luc
Regime switching on the propagation speed of travelling waves of some size-structured Myxobacteria population models
- Calvez Vincent
- El Abdouni Adil
- Estavoyer Maxime
- Madrid Ignacio
- Olivier Julien
- Tournus Magali
DOI : 10.1051/proc/202477195 -
Stability of a cross-diffusion system and approximation by repulsive random walks: a duality approach
- Bansaye Vincent
- Moussa Ayman
- Muñoz-Hernández Felipe
DOI : 10.4171/jems/1540 -
Controlled superprocesses and HJB equation in the space of finite measures
- Ocello Antonio
A comparison of different approaches to compute surface tension contribution in incompressible two-phase flows
- Orlando Giuseppe
- Barbante Paolo Francesco
- Bonaventura Luca
A Kesten Stigum theorem for Galton-Watson processes with infinitely many types in a random environment
- Ligonnière Maxime
Mean Mesh Adaptation for Efficient CFD Simulations with Operating Conditions Variability
- Dornier Hugo
- Le Maitre Olivier
- Congedo Pietro Marco
- Salah El Din Itham
- Marty Julien
- Bourasseau Sébastien
Stochastic optimal transport and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations on the set of probability measures
- Bertucci Charles
DOI : 10.4171/AIHPC/138 -
Short Paper - Quadratic minimization: from conjugate gradient to an adaptive Polyak’s momentum method with Polyak step-sizes
- Goujaud Baptiste
- Taylor Adrien
- Dieuleveut Aymeric
DOI : 10.5802/ojmo.36 -
Sensitivity Analysis of Emissions Markets: A Discrete-Time Radner Equilibrium Approach
- Crépey Stéphane
- Tadese Mekonnen
- Vermandel Gauthier
Bridging Rayleigh-Jeans and Bose-Einstein condensation of a guided fluid of light with positive and negative temperatures
- Zanaglia Lucas
- Garnier Josselin
- Rica Sergio
- Kaiser Robin
- Wabnitz Stefano
- Michel Claire
- Doya Valerie
- Picozzi Antonio
Reconstructing discrete measures from projections. Consequences on the empirical Sliced Wasserstein Distance
- Tanguy Eloi
- Flamary Rémi
- Delon Julie
Large-Eddy Simulation of solid/fluid heat and mass transfer applied to the thermal degradation of composite material for fire certification applications
- Moureau Vincent
- Letournel Roxane
- Bioche Kevin
- Dellinger Nicolas
- Grenouilloux Adrien
On reconstruction from imaginary part for radiation solutions in two dimensions
- Nair Arjun
- Novikov Roman
Stationary regimes of piecewise linear dynamical systems with priorities
- Allamigeon Xavier
- Capetillo Pascal
- Gaubert Stéphane
Gradient-free optimization of highly smooth functions: improved analysis and a new algorithm
- Akhavan Arya
- Chzhen Evgenii
- Pontil Massimiliano
- Tsybakov Alexandre B.
Stochastic mesoscale characterization of ablative materials for atmospheric entry
- Girault Florian
- Torres Herrador Francisco
- Helber Bernd
- Turchi Alessandro
- Magin Thierry
- Congedo Pietro Marco
DOI : 10.1016/j.apm.2024.07.027