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Listed below, are sorted by year, the publications appearing in the HAL open archive.
Quantitative effects of the stress response to DNA damage in the cell size control of Escherichia coli
- Canales Ignacio Madrid
- Broughton James
- Méléard Sylvie
- El Karoui Meriem
Some mathematical models for flagellar activation mechanisms
- Alouges François
- Anello Irene
- Desimone Antonio
- Lefebvre-Lepot Aline
- Levillain Jessie
On non-uniqueness of phase retrieval in multidimensions
- Novikov Roman
- Xu Tianli
Numerical approximation of ergodic BSDEs using non linear Feynman-Kac formulas
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Richou Adrien
- Szpruch Lukasz
An inverse problem: recovering the fragmentation kernel from the short-time behaviour of the fragmentation equation
- Doumic Marie
- Escobedo Miguel
- Tournus Magali
DOI : 10.5802/ahl.207 -
An Efficient SSP-based Methodology for Assessing Climate Risks of a Large Credit Portfolio
- Bourgey Florian
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Jiao Ying
Reconciling rough volatility with jumps
- Abi Jaber Eduardo
- de Carvalho Nathan
On Lipschitz solutions of mean field games master equations
- Bertucci Charles
- Lasry Jean-Michel
- Lions Pierre-Louis
DOI : 10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110486 -
Transparent scatterers and transmission eigenvalues
- Grinevich Petr
- Novikov Roman
Optimal business model adaptation plan for a company under a transition scenario
- Ndiaye Elisa
- Bezat Antoine
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Guivarch Céline
- Jiao Ying
On the simulation of extreme events with neural networks
- Allouche Michaël
- Girard Stéphane
- Gobet Emmanuel
Conditioning the logistic continuous-state branching process on non-extinction via its total progeny
- Foucart Clément
- Rivero Víctor
- Winter Anita
Supplementary Material to ``A hypothesis test for the domain of attraction of a random variable
- Olivero Héctor
- Talay Denis
Efficient and scalable atmospheric dynamics simulations using non-conforming meshes
- Orlando Giuseppe
- Benacchio Tommaso
- Bonaventura Luca
PEPit: computer-assisted worst-case analyses of first-order optimization methods in Python
- Goujaud Baptiste
- Moucer Céline
- Glineur François
- Hendrickx Julien
- Taylor Adrien
- Dieuleveut Aymeric
DOI : 10.1007/s12532-024-00259-7 -
When Data Driven Reduced Order Modeling Meets Full Waveform Inversion
- Borcea Liliana
- Garnier Josselin
- Mamonov Alexander
- Zimmerling Jörn
DOI : 10.1137/23M1552826 -
A holographic uniqueness theorem for the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation
- Nair Arjun
- Novikov Roman
Long-time behaviour of a multidimensional age-dependent branching process with a singular jump kernel
- Olayé Jules
- Tomasevic Milica
An Efficient SSP-based Methodology for Assessing Climate Risks of a Large Credit Portfolio
- Bourgey Florian
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Jiao Ying
Mean-field limit of particle systems with absorption
- Guo Gaoyue
- Tomasevic Milica
Understanding the worst-kept secret of high-frequency trading
- Pulido Sergio
- Rosenbaum Mathieu
- Sfendourakis Emmanouil
Convex compact surfaces with no bound on their synthetic Ricci curvature
- Vernicos Constantin
DOI : 10.24033/bsmf.2888 -
Nonlinear system identification with control-based continuation of bifurcation curves
- Mélot Adrien
- Denimal Goy Enora
- Renson Ludovic
Eigenvalue Methods for Sparse Tropical Polynomial Systems
- Akian Marianne
- Béreau Antoine
- Gaubert Stéphane
Structural optimization for controlling isolated response curves
- Mélot Adrien
- Denimal Goy Enora
- Renson Ludovic