The project-team "Tropical" develops tropical methods motivated by applications arising in decision theory (deterministic and stochastic optimal control, game theory, optimization and operations research), in the analysis or control of classes of dynamical systems (including timed discrete event systems and positive systems), in the verification of programs and systems, and in the development of numerical algorithms. Tropical algebra tools are used in interaction with various methods, coming from convex analysis, Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equations, metric geometry, Perron-Frobenius and nonlinear fixed-point theories, combinatorics or algorithmic complexity. The emphasis of the project is on mathematical modelling and computational aspects. Its main current applications concern the performance of emergency call centers and the optimization and pricing of energy.
The “Tropical” project-team is common between INRIA Saclay – Île-de-France and CMAP, École polytechnique – IP Paris, UMR 7641, CNRS. The webpage of the team can be access using this link.