GdT MathsFi

The GT (Working Group) of the MathsFi group takes place every Wednesday at 11am in the CMAP seminar room.
Sessions passées
- 8 janvier -- Saad Souilmi et Hippolyte Giraud on orderbook dynamics (and the Queue Reactive Model) and liquidity signals for market makers
- 15 janvier --- Ali Baouan (on football) et Charles Meynard on MFG on graphs
- 29 janvier --- Stefan Tappe on Invariant Submanifolds for Solutions to Rough Differential Equations
- 16 oct.-- Emmanuel Gobet on Learning Extreme Expected Shortfall With Neural Networks, Applications to Crypto Markets
- 23 oct.-- Emmanouil Sfendourakis on microstructure and order book dynamics and Shaun Li on joined calibration of SPX and VIX
- 6 nov.-- Huyên Pham et Charles-Albert Lehalle on price formation with mean field games
- 13 nov.-- Présentation par deux nouveaux doctorants autour des modèles génératifs : Alexandre Alouadi (BNP Paribas) et Riccardo Ruotolo (Natixis)
- 20 nov-- cancelled in favour of the PGMODAYS 2024 where members of the group gave talks
- 27 nov-- Nathan de Carvalho et Jules Delemotte on optimal execution
- 4 déc.-- Charles Bertucci on HJB sur espaces de mesure
- 11 déc.-- Doctorants : Dimitri Sotnikov (MFG) et Louis-Amand Gérard
- 18 déc-- Quentin Cormier