
Les thèses soutenues au CMAP sont disponibles en suivant ce lien:
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Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Transport of power in random waveguides with turning points
- Garnier Josselin
- Borcea Liliana
- Wood Derek
DOI : 10.4310/CMS.2017.v15.n8.a9 -
Multi-Wave Medical Imaging: Mathematical Modelling and Imaging Reconstruction
- Ammari Habib
- Garnier Josselin
- Kang Hyeonbae
- Nguyen Loc Hoang
- Seppecher Laurent
Learning in mean field games: The fictitious play
- Cardaliaguet Pierre
- Hadikhanloo Saeed
DOI : 10.1051/cocv/2016004 -
First time to exit of a continuous Itô process: general moment estimates and L1-convergence rate for discrete time approximations
- Bouchard Bruno
- Geiss Stefan
- Gobet Emmanuel
DOI : 10.3150/15-BEJ791 -
The Generalized Linear Sampling Method for limited aperture measurements
- Audibert Lorenzo
- Haddar Houssem
DOI : 10.1137/16M110112X -
On the cut locus of free, step two Carnot groups
- Rizzi Luca
- Serres Ulysse
DOI : 10.1090/proc/13658 -
Some results on anisotropic fractional mean curvature flows
- Chambolle Antonin
- Novaga Matteo
- Ruffini Berardo
DOI : 10.4171/IFB/387 -
Some discussions on the Read Paper "Beyond subjective and objective in statistics" by A. Gelman and C. Hennig
- Robert Christian
- Celeux Gilles
- Jewson Jack
- Josse Julie
- Marin Jean-Michel
- Robert Christian P.
Galerkin approximations for the optimal control of nonlinear delay differential equations
- Chekroun Mickaël D
- Kröner Axel
- Liu Honghu
Relative controllability of linear difference equations
- Mazanti Guilherme
DOI : 10.1137/16M1073157 -
Pliability, or the whitney extension theorem for curves in carnot groups
- Juillet Nicolas
- Sigalotti Mario
DOI : 10.2140/apde.2017.10.1637 -
HCB_ Avis sur les risques environnementaux et sanitaires liés à la mise sur le marche de pétunias génétiquement modifiés non-autorisés
- Comité Scientifique Du Haut Conseil Des Biotechnologies .
- Angevin Frédérique
- Bagnis Claude
- Bar-Hen Avner
- Barny Marie-Anne
- Boireau Pascal
- Brévault Thierry
- Chauvel Bruno B.
- Collonnier Cécile
- Couvet Denis
- Dassa Elie
- de Verneuil Hubert
- Demeneix Barbara
- Franche Claudine
- Guerche Philippe
- Guillemain Joël
- Hernandez Raquet Guillermina
- Khalife Jamal
- Klonjkowski Bernard
- Lavielle Marc
- Le Corre Valérie
- Lefèvre François
- Lemaire Olivier
- Lereclus Didier D.
- Maximilien Rémy
- Meurs Eliane
- Naffakh Nadia
- Négre Didier
- Noyer Jean-Louis
- Ochatt Sergio
- Pages Jean-Christophe
- Raynaud Xavier
- Regnault-Roger Catherine
- Renard Michel M.
- Renault Tristan
- Saindrenan Patrick
- Simonet Pascal
- Troadec Marie-Bérengère
- Vaissière Bernard
- Vilotte Jean-Luc
Avis en réponse à la saisine HCB du 12 octobre 2015 concernant l’utilisation de moustiques génétiquement modifiés dans le cadre de la lutte antivectorielle. Paris, le 31 mai 2017
- Comité Scientifique Du Haut Conseil Des Biotechnologies .
- Angevin Frédérique
- Bagnis Claude
- Bar-Hen Avner
- Barny Marie-Anne
- Boireau Pascal
- Brévault Thierry
- Chauvel Bruno B.
- Collonnier Cécile
- Couvet Denis
- Dassa Elie
- de Verneuil Hubert
- Demeneix Barbara
- Franche Claudine
- Guerche Philippe
- Guillemain Joël
- Hernandez Raquet Guillermina
- Khalife Jamal
- Klonjkowski Bernard
- Lavielle Marc
- Le Corre Valérie
- Lefèvre François
- Lemaire Olivier
- Lereclus Didier D.
- Maximilien Rémy
- Meurs Eliane
- Naffakh Nadia
- Négre Didier
- Noyer Jean-Louis
- Ochatt Sergio
- Pages Jean-Christophe
- Raynaud Xavier
- Regnault-Roger Catherine
- Renard Michel M.
- Renault Tristan
- Saindrenan Patrick
- Simonet Pascal
- Troadec Marie-Bérengère
- Vaissière Bernard
- Vilotte Jean-Luc
Log-majorization of the moduli of the eigenvalues of a matrix polynomial by tropical roots
- Akian Marianne
- Gaubert Stéphane
- Sharify Meisam
DOI : 10.1016/j.laa.2016.11.004 -
A characterization of switched linear control systems with finite L 2 -gain
- Chitour Yacine
- Mason Paolo
- Sigalotti Mario
DOI : 10.1109/tac.2016.2593678 -
Dependence of tropical eigenspaces
- Niv Adi
- Rowen Louis
DOI : 10.1080/00927872.2016.1172603 -
Multipoint scatterers with zero-energy bound states
- Grinevich Piotr
- Novikov Roman
Pulse Reflection in a Random Waveguide with a Turning Point
- Garnier Josselin
- Borcea Liliana
DOI : 10.1137/16M1094154 -
Matched-Filter and Correlation-Based Imaging for Fast Moving Objects Using a Sparse Network of Receivers
- Garnier Josselin
- Fournier J.
- Papanicolaou G.
- Tsogka C.
DOI : 10.1137/17M112364X -
High dimensional matrix estimation with unknown variance of the noise
- Klopp Olga
- Gaiffas Stéphane
Regularity for the optimal compliance problem with length penalization
- Chambolle Antonin
- Lamboley Jimmy
- Lemenant Antoine
- Stepanov Eugene
Dimensional Reduction of a Multiscale Model Based on Long Time Asymptotics
- Clément Frédérique
- Coquel Frédéric
- Postel Marie
- Tran Kim Long
DOI : 10.1137/16M1062545 -
The Purcell Three-link swimmer: some geometric and numerical aspects related to periodic optimal controls
- Bettiol Piernicola
- Bonnard Bernard
- Giraldi Laetitia
- Martinon Pierre
- Rouot Jérémy
DOI : 10.1515/9783110430394-010 -
Application of the Sparse Cardinal Sine Decomposition to 3D Stokes Flows
- Alouges F.
- Aussal M.
- Lefebvre-Lepot A.
- Pigeonneau Franck
- Sellier Antoine
DOI : 10.2495/CMEM-V5-N3-387-394 -
Certified Descent Algorithm for shape optimization driven by fully-computable a posteriori error estimators
- Giacomini Matteo
- Pantz Olivier
- Trabelsi Karim
DOI : 10.1051/cocv/2016021