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Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Quantitative effects of the stress response to DNA damage in the cell size control of Escherichia coli
- Canales Ignacio Madrid
- Broughton James
- Méléard Sylvie
- El Karoui Meriem
Some mathematical models for flagellar activation mechanisms
- Alouges François
- Anello Irene
- Desimone Antonio
- Lefebvre-Lepot Aline
- Levillain Jessie
On non-uniqueness of phase retrieval in multidimensions
- Novikov Roman
- Xu Tianli
Numerical approximation of ergodic BSDEs using non linear Feynman-Kac formulas
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Richou Adrien
- Szpruch Lukasz
An inverse problem: recovering the fragmentation kernel from the short-time behaviour of the fragmentation equation
- Doumic Marie
- Escobedo Miguel
- Tournus Magali
DOI : 10.5802/ahl.207 -
An Efficient SSP-based Methodology for Assessing Climate Risks of a Large Credit Portfolio
- Bourgey Florian
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Jiao Ying
Reconciling rough volatility with jumps
- Abi Jaber Eduardo
- de Carvalho Nathan
On Lipschitz solutions of mean field games master equations
- Bertucci Charles
- Lasry Jean-Michel
- Lions Pierre-Louis
DOI : 10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110486 -
Transparent scatterers and transmission eigenvalues
- Grinevich Petr
- Novikov Roman
Optimal business model adaptation plan for a company under a transition scenario
- Ndiaye Elisa
- Bezat Antoine
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Guivarch Céline
- Jiao Ying
On the simulation of extreme events with neural networks
- Allouche Michaël
- Girard Stéphane
- Gobet Emmanuel
Conditioning the logistic continuous-state branching process on non-extinction via its total progeny
- Foucart Clément
- Rivero Víctor
- Winter Anita
Supplementary Material to ``A hypothesis test for the domain of attraction of a random variable
- Olivero Héctor
- Talay Denis
Efficient and scalable atmospheric dynamics simulations using non-conforming meshes
- Orlando Giuseppe
- Benacchio Tommaso
- Bonaventura Luca
PEPit: computer-assisted worst-case analyses of first-order optimization methods in Python
- Goujaud Baptiste
- Moucer Céline
- Glineur François
- Hendrickx Julien
- Taylor Adrien
- Dieuleveut Aymeric
DOI : 10.1007/s12532-024-00259-7 -
When Data Driven Reduced Order Modeling Meets Full Waveform Inversion
- Borcea Liliana
- Garnier Josselin
- Mamonov Alexander
- Zimmerling Jörn
DOI : 10.1137/23M1552826 -
A holographic uniqueness theorem for the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation
- Nair Arjun
- Novikov Roman
Long-time behaviour of a multidimensional age-dependent branching process with a singular jump kernel
- Olayé Jules
- Tomasevic Milica
An Efficient SSP-based Methodology for Assessing Climate Risks of a Large Credit Portfolio
- Bourgey Florian
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Jiao Ying
Mean-field limit of particle systems with absorption
- Guo Gaoyue
- Tomasevic Milica
Understanding the worst-kept secret of high-frequency trading
- Pulido Sergio
- Rosenbaum Mathieu
- Sfendourakis Emmanouil
Convex compact surfaces with no bound on their synthetic Ricci curvature
- Vernicos Constantin
DOI : 10.24033/bsmf.2888 -
Nonlinear system identification with control-based continuation of bifurcation curves
- Mélot Adrien
- Denimal Goy Enora
- Renson Ludovic
Eigenvalue Methods for Sparse Tropical Polynomial Systems
- Akian Marianne
- Béreau Antoine
- Gaubert Stéphane
Structural optimization for controlling isolated response curves
- Mélot Adrien
- Denimal Goy Enora
- Renson Ludovic