
Les thèses soutenues au CMAP sont disponibles en suivant ce lien:
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Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Yet another analysis of the SP500 at-the-money skew: crossover of different power-law behaviours
- Delemotte Jules
- Ségonne Florent
- de Marco Stefano
A holographic global uniqueness in passive imaging
- Novikov Roman
Control of isolated response curves through optimization of codimension-1 singularities
- Mélot Adrien
- Denimal Enora
- Renson Ludovic
DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruc.2024.107394 -
A practical global existence and uniqueness result for stochastic differential equations on Riemannian manifolds of bounded geometry
- Rakotomalala Matthias
Active learning of Boltzmann samplers and potential energies with quantum mechanical accuracy
- Molina-Taborda Ana
- Cossio Pilar
- Lopez-Acevedo Olga
- Gabrié Marylou
DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2401.16487 -
Strategic geometric graphs through mean field games
- Rakotomalala Matthias
- Bertucci Charles
Branching diffusion processes and spectral properties of Feynman-Kac semigroup
- Collet Pierre
- Méléard Sylvie
- San MARTIN Jaime
Inf-sup stable non-conforming finite elements on tetrahedra with second and third order accuracy
- Balazi Loïc
- Allaire Grégoire
- Jolivet Pierre
- Omnes Pascal
Homogeneous multigrid for hybrid discretizations: application to HHO methods
- Di Pietro Daniele A.
- Dong Zhaonan
- Kanschat Guido
- Matalon Pierre
- Rupp Andreas
DOI : 10.13140/RG.2.2.27643.94245 -
Banning new gas boilers as a no-regret mitigation option
- Escribe Célia
- Vivier Lucas
Constructive approaches to worst-case complexity analyses of gradient methods for convex optimization : contributions, new insights, and novel results
- Goujaud Baptiste
Entropic Lower Bound of Cardinality for Sparse Optimization
- Jacquet Quentin
- Bialecki Agnes
- Ghaoui Laurent El
- Gaubert Stéphane
- Zorgati Riadh
Learning of extreme Expected Shortfall with neural networks. Application to cryptocurrency data
- Allouche Michaël
- Girard Stéphane
- Gobet Emmanuel
Simulation of multivariate extreme events with generative models
- Pachebat Jean
- Girard Stéphane
- Gobet Emmanuel
Quantitative modelling and analysis of the Automated Market Maker Uniswap
- Echenim Mnacho
- Gobet Emmanuel
- Maurice Anne-Claire
Automated approach for recovering modal components in shallow waters
- Niclas Angèle
- Garnier Josselin
DOI : 10.1121/10.0025471 -
Reference prior for Bayesian estimation of seismic fragility curves
- Van Biesbroeck Antoine
- Gauchy Clément
- Feau Cyril
- Garnier Josselin
DOI : 10.1016/j.probengmech.2024.103622 -
High order weak approximation of Stochastic Differential Equations for bounded and measurable test functions
- Rey Clément
DOI : 10.48550/arXiv.2403.17596 -
Projet ICI — Utilisation d’un jumeau numérique pour des simulations épidémiologiques
- Colomb Maxime
- Cormier Quentin
- Graham Carl
- Perret Julien
- Talay Denis
Unified two-scale Eulerian multi-fluid modeling of separated and dispersed two-phase flows
- Loison Arthur
Mean Field Game of Mutual Holding with common noise
- Bassou Leila
- Djete Mao Fabrice
- Touzi Nizar
Mean field games master equations: from discrete to continuous state space
- Bertucci Charles
- Cecchin Alekos
DOI : 10.1137/23M1552528 -
Phenotypic plasticity trade-offs in an age-structured model of bacterial growth under stress
- El Karoui Meriem
- Madrid Ignacio
- Méléard Sylvie
Compressed and distributed least-squares regression: convergence rates with applications to Federated Learning
- Dieuleveut Aymeric
- Philippenko Constantin
Compressed and distributed least-squares regression: convergence rates with applications to Federated Learning
- Dieuleveut Aymeric
- Philippenko Constantin