Research Activities:
The MMOF team is interested in various problems from solid mechanics and material science, in particular to geometrical and topological shape optimization in structural mechanics, homogeneization and composite materials. The team works on analytical and numerical aspects, the development of scientific computing software and collaborates regularly with industrial partners.
Team members:
Team leader: Grégoire Allaire, Professeur à l’Ecole Polytechnique.
Confirmed researcher:
- Beniamin Bogosel, Maître de conférence à l'Ecole Polytechnique
- Nicole Spillane, Chargée de recherche CNRS
PhD Students:
- Luca Gorini, CMAP et Thales Alenia Space
- Loic Balazi, CEA et CMAP
- Kenneth Assogba, CEA et CMAP
- Richard Joly, CMAP et TotalEnergies OneTech
- Thomas Gauthey, GEEPS, CMAP et Safran
- Laurane Preumont, LMS et CMAP
Software developed: