


Team leaders Charles-Albert Lehalle and Huyên Pham

quick links: Team members -- Projects

CMAP's MathsFi team is interested in modelling financial markets, their participants and their fundamentals, the traded assets, derivatives on these assets, both at an individual and collective level, as well as market microstructure and price formation. We pay particular attention to topics relating to systems of interacting agents, and to the optimisation and numerical simulation problems raised by models. Risk management of portfolios of derivatives, energy markets, sustainable finance, regulation of financial markets and their decentralisation, identification and modelling of fundamental properties of financial markets and traded assets, as well as problems of predicting returns and risks or the added value of alternative data, are typical problems that we study in close collaboration with private partners such as investment banks, asset managers and regulatory authorities. These studies draw on stochastic analysis and optimisation, stochastic control of dynamical systems, Monte Carlo simulation, and techniques of data sciences (statistical, machine or reinforcement learning, and dimension reduction methods such as generative models). 

Research topics and keywords:

  • Volatility modeling and model calibration
  • Liquidity modeling, market making and optimal trading and liquidation
  • Climate risks modelling, sustainable finance and financial models for transitions
  • Mean Field Games and Mean Field Control
  • Optimal martingale transport and robust finance
  • Financial intermediation and risk hedging
  • Contract theory, Principal-Agent approach to regulation
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Blockchain
  • Numerical Methods: Monte Carlo simulations, Neural Networks and Stochastic Approximations
  • Reinforcement Learning in Finance
  • Generative AI Models for Financial Time Series
  • Alternative Data
  • Signature Methods in Finance


Permanent Members

Associate Researchers


PhD Students

Visiting PhD Students

Projects and grants associated to the team:

Partnerships with the industry (CIFRE)

Enterprises: 80 Technologies, BNP Paribas, Biggie Group, CA-CIB, CITIBANK, ENGIE, GEFIP, Société Générale

Public Projects